How to Create & Sell Digital Products? A Beginner’s Guide to Digital Products

Creating and selling digital products has now become one of the most effective ways to earn money online. Selling digital products may sound challenging at first, but it is one of the easiest ways to convert your talents into money. Creating digital products to sell does not involve huge investment, plenty of labor, or a large area to work. All it needs is your skill, a computer, and internet connectivity. If you are thinking about creating and selling digital products online, this blog is for you. 

What are Digital Products?

A digital product is something that doesn’t have a specific physical form – they are intangible and delivered in e-formats. They are sold and distributed online from a seller to a buyer in the form of e-files. Digital products may include anything from e-books and online courses to custom templates, music, apps, digital art and more. There are so many websites and online stores available nowadays making a huge profit from selling digital products online. In fact, several entrepreneurs are now building their entre businesses around digital products due to its popularity, and ease of distributions as well as its convenience and accessibility for the users. Digital products can be in the form of MP3, e-books, PDF files, videos, apps, templates, etc. 

Creating digital products varies from one person to the other, and it purely depends on your skills and interests. This blog will give you the most useful ideas to create digital products and sell them effectively online. 

Are you interested in creating and selling your digital products and online courses? Get in touch with experts at Classplus to get your roadmap to building an online business now!

Digital Products vs. Physical Goods

Learning how to sell digital products online firstly, holds immense potential for creating passive income since they have to be created online and can be sold repeatedly without putting in much rework. Therefore, digital products are an ideal option for creative entrepreneurs and educators, bloggers, creators etc. to sell their products and services online. But why should you sell digital products online instead of physical goods? Here is why –

  1. Lower overhead costs: Since there’s no physical product to store or ship, you save money on inventory and fulfillment.
  2. Higher profit margins: Without the cost of producing physical goods, you have a larger profit margin on each sale.
  3. Scalability: You can sell your digital product to many customers at once without incurring additional costs.
  4. Automation: Delivery of digital products can be automated, freeing up your time to focus on other aspects of your business.
  5. Flexibility: You can offer a variety of digital products, such as free trials, subscriptions, or one-time purchases.

However, selling digital products online poses specific challenges, since you are competing with vast majorities of free content available online. For instance, if you are selling a course on Digital Marketing online, remember that your audiences already have an ocean of resources and materials in the form of free YouTube videos, as well as organic blogs where they can learn digital marketing online. Further, your content may also be susceptible to theft and plagiarism.

Types of Digital Products to Sell

Digital products can come in various forms and formats. The world of digital products offers a treasure trove of creative possibilities. Imagine selling knowledge, artwork, or even tools you’ve made yourself. By selling digital products online, you can not only turn your passion into profit, but also build a whole business from bottom up grounded in the digital resources which you are trying to sell. 

types of digital products to create and sell online

The world of e-commerce is booming, but there’s a secret weapon gaining serious traction: digital products. Forget warehouses and shipping delays – these intangible treasures deliver value electronically, offering instant access and gratification and therefore, a treasure trove of possibilities. Here’s a detailed look at 10 digital products you can sell online, transforming your passion into profit –

1. E-books and Printables

Become a knowledge authority! Craft informative e-books packed with valuable insights in your niche. Did you know the global e-book market is expected to reach a staggering $22.14 billion by 2028? Think beyond just lengthy books. Design downloadable planners and templates that help people tackle everyday tasks. Fitness enthusiasts can create workout guides with meal plans, while travel bloggers can offer downloadable city guides packed with insider tips and must-see attractions. 


Conduct market research to identify knowledge gaps and tailor your e-book or printables to address those specific needs.

2. Online Courses and Tutorials

Share your expertise with the world! Develop in-depth online courses on anything from mastering a new language like Spanish (one of the most popular online learning subjects) to coding in Python (a highly sought-after skill in the tech industry). Even shorter video tutorials on specific skills like makeup application or guitar playing can be valuable digital products. The key is to identify a skill you possess that others are eager to learn.

  • Target high-demand skills: Identify trending topics in your field. Is Python coding the new gold standard in tech? Perhaps Spanish is the language everyone wants to master for travel or business. Capitalize on these trends by crafting comprehensive courses that equip learners with in-demand skills.
  • Break down complex topics: Don’t overwhelm your students! Chunk your course content into digestible modules that take learners on a step-by-step journey towards mastery. Utilize clear explanations, engaging visuals, and interactive elements like quizzes and assignments to solidify understanding.
  • Embrace different learning styles: People learn in various ways. Incorporate a variety of content formats to cater to visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners. Think instructional videos, downloadable cheat sheets, and even interactive exercises to keep students engaged.
  • Become a virtual instructor: Don’t be a disembodied voice! Foster a sense of connection with your students by incorporating video introductions, live Q&A sessions, or even offer personalized feedback on assignments.

3. Software and Apps

Calling all tech wizards! If you have the programming prowess, create software or mobile apps that solve a specific problem or enhance user experience. The possibilities are endless! Consider productivity tools like time management apps (a booming market segment!), language learning apps that utilize gamification to keep users engaged, or photo editing software that caters to a specific niche like real estate photography.

If you have the programming chops, dive into the realm of software and app development. Here’s how to turn your ideas into reality –

  • Identify a problem and solve it: Look around you! What are the daily frustrations people face? Is it managing their overflowing to-do lists? Learning a new language in a monotonous way? Develop software or apps that address these challenges and make users’ lives easier or more enjoyable.
  • Leverage the power of niche markets: Don’t try to be everything to everyone. Focus on a specific niche where your app can offer a unique value proposition. Think productivity tools for real estate agents, photo editing software specifically designed for social media influencers, or language learning apps that cater to children.
  • Prioritize user experience (UX): Make your software or app a joy to use. Focus on intuitive design, clear navigation, and a seamless user experience. People are more likely to stick with a product that is not only functional but also enjoyable to interact with.
  • Stay updated with the latest trends: The tech landscape is constantly evolving. Keep your finger on the pulse of the latest advancements and integrate them into your software or app to stay ahead of the curve.

4. Stock Photos, Music, and Graphics

Are you a creative powerhouse? License your high-quality stock photos, royalty-free music tracks, or stunning vector graphics to businesses and individuals who need visual assets for their projects. The global stock photography market is estimated to be worth over $4 billion, highlighting the demand for high-quality visuals.

5. Memberships and Online Communities

Build a loyal following! Create exclusive membership sites with premium content, discounts, or live sessions for a monthly or yearly fee. Fitness instructors can offer exclusive workout routines, live Q&A sessions, and personalized feedback within a membership site, while musicians can provide members with early access to new releases, behind-the-scenes content, and even discounts on merchandise.

6. Digital Templates and Checklists

Help people streamline their workflow! Design downloadable templates for social media posts (Instagram story templates are a popular choice!), project management sheets that utilize popular methodologies like Kanban, or budget trackers that help users take control of their finances. Busy professionals might appreciate pre-designed meeting agendas or client proposal templates that save them valuable time.

7. Fonts and Design Elements

Got an eye for design? Create and sell unique fonts or design elements like icons and illustrations that can be used in websites, marketing materials, or social media graphics. Consider the latest design trends when crafting your fonts and elements to ensure they cater to current tastes.

8. Webinars and Live Streams

Offer in-depth presentations or live Q&A sessions on your area of expertise. These can be one-time ticketed events or part of a paid membership program. Webinars are a fantastic way to establish yourself as an authority in your field and showcase your knowledge to a wider audience. 


Utilize interactive features like polls and quizzes during your webinars to keep your audience engaged.

9. Digital Workbooks and Planners

Craft interactive workbooks or planners that people can download and use on their devices. These can target anything from language learning with spaced repetition exercises to goal setting with progress trackers and motivational quotes.

  • Go beyond static PDFs: Craft interactive workbooks that leverage features like fillable forms, checkboxes, and dropdown menus. This allows users to directly input information, track progress, and personalize their experience within the digital workbook.
  • Embrace spaced repetition for language learning: Language learning workbooks can incorporate spaced repetition techniques, scientifically proven to enhance memorization. Design exercises that revisit learned vocabulary and grammar concepts at optimal intervals, boosting retention rates for your users.
  • Spark motivation with progress trackers and inspirational quotes: Integrate progress trackers like habit trackers or goal charts to help users visualize their achievements and stay motivated. Sprinkle inspirational quotes throughout the workbook to keep users engaged and energized on their journey.

10. Digital Coaching and Consulting

Become a virtual mentor! Offer personalized coaching or consulting services online via video calls or email exchanges. This is ideal for life coaches who help clients achieve personal goals, career coaches who guide individuals virtually. Leverage video calls or email exchanges to provide personalized coaching or consulting services. Help clients achieve personal goals, navigate career transitions, or even boost their business strategies – all from the comfort of your own space. If you are a life coach, career coach, or business consultant seeking to expand their reach and empower clients to thrive in the digital age, this is the right opportunity!

Some tips to consider are –

  • Specialize to serve a specific niche: Instead of being a generalist, focus on a specific area of coaching or consulting expertise. This could be career coaching for professionals transitioning into tech, life coaching for individuals seeking to overcome anxiety, or even social media consulting for small businesses.
  • Offer tiered coaching packages: Cater to different budgets and needs by creating tiered coaching packages. A basic package might include email consultations, while a premium package could offer weekly video calls, personalized action plans, and access to exclusive resources.
  • Leverage online communities: Build an online community around your coaching practice. This could be a private Facebook group or a dedicated forum where clients can connect with each other, share experiences, and ask questions, fostering a sense of support and accountability.

How to Create Digital Products?

The world of digital products is brimming with possibilities. However, transforming your concept into a downloadable product that your audience wants to actually buy requires careful planning. Here’s a roadmap on how to create and sell digital products online –

  1. Identify Your Niche & Audience: Don’t be a jack-of-all-trades! Focus on a specific niche where your expertise or passion shines. Are you a fitness enthusiast with a knack for creating effective workout plans? Perhaps you’re a whiz at graphic design and can develop stunning social media templates. Understanding your target audience’s needs and desires is crucial for creating a digital product that resonates with them.
  2. Market Research & Validation: Don’t build in a vacuum! Conduct thorough market research to see if there’s a demand for your product idea. To do so, scour online communities, forums, and social media groups relevant to your niche. Are people actively searching for solutions your product could offer? Consider creating surveys or mockups to gather feedback and validate your concept.
  3. Content Creation & Curation: Now comes the fun part: transforming your idea into reality! This could involve crafting an e-book packed with valuable information, designing downloadable planners to help people organize their lives, or even filming in-depth video tutorials on a specific skill. If you lack expertise in certain areas, consider collaborating with freelancers or agencies to create high-quality content.
  4. Packaging & Presentation: First impressions matter! Invest time in creating a visually appealing and user-friendly experience for your product. Think clear and concise product descriptions, high-quality visuals (like screenshots or mockups), and a well-organized presentation format (e.g., easy-to-navigate PDF for e-books or a user-friendly interface for software).
  5. Pricing & Promotion: Determine a competitive price for your digital product. Consider the value it delivers, production costs involved, and pricing strategies of similar products in the market. Once your product is ready, explore various marketing channels to reach your target audience. This could involve social media marketing, collaborating with influencers in your niche, or offering free trials or introductory discounts.

By following these steps and injecting your USP, you can transform your digital product idea into a million dollar business!

Selling Educational Products Online

In the era where technology hadn’t developed, people who wanted a side hustle would opt for teaching neighborhood children in their free time. Why can’t we do that online? If you have a skill that you are confident about, you can help other people to learn it as well as make money from that. It can be in the form of video lectures, ebooks, etc. You can either sell them on your own website or the website of an affiliate. Affiliates are a great option if you want your products to have a huge reach. Since online education is getting used to people nowadays, people would find it useful if you sell online courses with great content to learn. 

Selling Services Online

Getting paid for providing our services online is also possible nowadays. Online services can be useful for people who don’t have much time to travel a long way to get them. Fitness programs can be useful for people who want to lead a healthy life with a fit body but don’t have any gym nearby. You can create a fitness program along with a diet plan according to your client’s requirements and sell your service to them. If you are good at developing websites, you can sell your service by creating websites for individuals or a company that needs a website. It doesn’t mean that you have to sell only the products to earn profit. If you have something which may benefit others, you can make income from that skill. 

Creating and Selling Artworks Online

If you are interested in arts and can create impressive artworks either in the form of images, music, etc., you can sell them too. Photo and video editing are much appreciated nowadays, and people love them a lot. They are also interested in making their gadgets look amazing. If you are interested in making splendid wallpapers or a musician who can create great ringtones and edit videos remarkably, of course, you can sell them too. 

Sell Digital Tools and Templates Online

Digital tools are more like products that would be useful for a massive number of people. If you are skilled enough to create a template or a digital tool, you can sell them and create a passive income. It can be either in the form of resume templates, applications or software for business, etc.

Selling Memberships for your Products

If you are already selling your digital products online like software, you can upgrade the features of the product and set a subscription. This allows users to use your product at different levels, such as basic, standard, or premium, and you will receive payment according to their usage level.

How to Sell Your Digital Products?

You have to put more effort into successfully leading your online business since the product or service you are selling may be available online for free. You have to adopt some useful strategies to effectively sell your digital products. Read on to know more. 

how to sell digital products online

1. Research and Analyze

Without proper groundwork, one cannot see success. Likewise, you have to analyze some points before creating and getting ready to sell your products online. You have to think about,

  • What skills do I possess, and what am I good at?
  • Which skills of mine would benefit people?
  • How does my product create value and stand unique from all?

You have to research what are the products or services needed by a large audience and how your skills can help to create them. If your product or service can solve one of the main problems of people or it can satisfy their needs greatly, they will have more value. Internet is here to help you, and you can get numerous ideas on how to start your digital business. Identify which area you are going to focus on and create a solution. You can use tools like Google Trends or Keyword Planner to check whether your idea has maximum demand among people.

2. Creating the Digital Products 

Once you have found an idea, you can now focus on how to create the digital product. Every product or service can be provided in multiple forms. You have to decide the format you are going to provide your service to the people. You have to choose a format that will be helpful to most people. For example, if you are aiming to provide a fitness program, make it easy to be available to a large number of people by providing it through social media platforms like Instagram.

3. Create Your Store or a Website

Whether it is a product or a service you wish to sell online, it is always better to have your own website to showcase your products to people. If you have your website, you can elaborate on the features of your product and tell them how it is beneficial to them. Websites are the best option if you are planning to provide your product at different memberships. People who want to buy your product and those who want to communicate with you will find it easier if you have a website for you.

4. Marketing is Key

If you have a great product that benefits people, but nobody knows about it, you cannot expect profit from it. You have to make people aware that you have an excellent product or service to offer through various forms of marketing. There are multiple types of marketing available nowadays, such as social media marketing, content marketing, affiliate marketing, email marketing, and more. You can choose any of them to make your product visible to people who need it. 

Tax on Selling Digital Products Online

You’re doing a great job as a creator and educator, but have you sorted out your taxes yet?

Selling digital products in India comes with exciting possibilities, but understanding the tax implications is crucial. Here’s a breakdown of the key points to remember, referencing information from 

  • GST (Goods and Services Tax): In India, the sale of most digital products falls under the ambit of GST. This tax is levied at a current rate of 18% on the sale price of the product.
  • Service Supplier Location: The applicability of GST depends on the location of the service supplier and the service recipient:
    • Indian Supplier & Indian Recipient: Standard GST rate of 18% applies. The Indian supplier needs to be registered under GST and collect and deposit the tax with the government.
    • Foreign Supplier & Indian Recipient: This falls under the Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM). The Indian recipient (usually a business) registered under GST is responsible for paying the GST at 18%.
  • Equalization Levy: For non-resident e-commerce operators (foreign companies) selling digital services or facilitating such sales in India, an equalization levy of 2% is applicable on the consideration received. This levy is paid by the foreign company directly to the Indian government.
  • Staying Compliant: It’s essential to maintain proper records of transactions, calculate and collect the applicable tax, and file GST returns as per the prescribed schedule. Failing to comply can result in penalties and legal issues.

As a digital creator, your tax will depend on multiple factors such as the types of digital products you sell, where your customers live, and how you market your products. Therefore, it is essential to speak to a tax consultant before pricing your course or digital products. 

Let’s Sum It Up

Selling your digital products or services has so many benefits because of the flexibility and high-profit margins. One of the major advantages of online selling is it enables you to sell globally to a large market beyond geographical barriers. You don’t need to spend more on inventory or worry about the shipping and logistics. At the same time, you can deliver your products to your customer with minimal risks. All you need is to spend your time effectively with a little creativity to create products and sell online successfully.