The 5 Ways To Create Interactive Online Courses

Creating interactive online courses helps actively engage and include learners in the learning process. To do this, you can use a variety of approaches and strategies to make your online classes more interactive, including multimedia components, interactive assessments, gamification, and social learning. So now you can stop wondering how to create interactive online courses because we have complied the essential ways to create interactive online courses.

The most important ways to create interactive online courses 

how to create interactive online courses

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1. Exams and quizzes

When the question arises of how to create interactive online courses, there are simple things that you can do, such as after every module of the course; you can include a small quiz or an exam. This shows the students how much of what they have watched is absorbed by them.

If you think it’s necessary, keep a prerequisite of a certain score to move forward to the next module.

  • The benefit of interactive courses is that they ensure the student isn’t just skimming the lessons without properly understanding or grasping anything.
  • Quizzes give them a break from the passive watching of the course. When solving the problems in the quizzes, their brains are stimulated. This keeps them fresh and active during the course.
  • Exams are also a good way to track a student’s course progress. Online courses related to competitive exams in India have separate sections of exams and quizzes. 

2. Make short lessons

If the video lesson is around 1 or 2 hours long, it can be difficult for the student to keep attention throughout the video and effectively absorb all that is taught. That is why it is a good idea to divide the topic of the big video into small sub-topics and make short video lessons on them.

  • Students will be able to focus much better in such small lessons, a good way to create interactive online courses.
  • It helps in removing all the unnecessary fluff from the videos. When you create online courses like this, they will be more value intensive.
  • Small videos save time both for you and your students. If you are making a free online course as a demo, keeping those interactive course videos short and crisp is a good idea.

3. Practical assignments

If you are teaching something more skill-based, you need to create assignments for your students to practice. The students learn more effectively while simultaneously practicing what they are taught, which keeps the courses interactive.

  • Creating online courses on design, digital marketing, content writing, or e-commerce include such assignments so that the students get themselves involved in implementing the theory.
  • Ensure the students complete the assignments before moving on to the next module. Because if a student watches the whole course without actually implementing anything, he will forget everything he has managed.

4. Gamify the course

What does this mean? It means create online courses more like a game with rewards and achievement badges for each module or assignment they complete. This serves as instant gratification for students.

  • You could create competition among students with the quizzes. Students can see their rank in various quizzes and exams.
  • The competitive spirit encourages students to study better. Thus one of the simplest and most fun ways to resolve the confusion of how to create interactive online courses. 

5. Conduct live classes

One of the best solutions to answer how to create interactive online courses is conducting live lectures for your students regularly to keep them hooked to the subject. Recording these videos for students will help them learn at their own pace.

During live classes, students get to interact with teachers and other fellow students. They can ask any queries they have. This helps to keep the interaction going, and students focus during the classes. 

  • Students can communicate with the lecturer and other students in real time during live sessions. This helps in promoting teamwork by allowing students to express questions and receive comments.
  • Allows instructors to provide students with rapid feedback, which can help them recognize and rectify faults more quickly.
  • Live classes can be customized to the students’ unique requirements and interests.
  • Online lectures provide students with a sense of accountability because they are compelled to attend and participate at particular times. This can assist to keep them motivated and involved, as well as keep them on track with their studies.

Final Word

Developing interactive online courses is an excellent approach to engage students and improve their learning and recall of course information. The various strategies on how to create interactive online courses discussed above can help utilize to build effective and engaging online courses.

Moving forward, you can host these interactive online courses on your teaching app? Wondering how? Classplus will help you build your own coaching app. Create and sell courses on your app, generate 10X revenue, increase your audience base, track attendance and much more. To know more, connect with our growth experts and take a FREE demo now!

The 5 Ways To Create Interactive Online Courses FAQs 

Q1. How do I create an interactive online course?

A1. In order to make an interactive online course, use presentation slides and interactive elements, including videos, use storytelling methods, etc. 

Q2. How do you make training interactive?

A2. if you want to make your training interactive, you can use rich graphics and keep the videos short, use game-based learning techniques. Also, you can include tests and assessments.

Q3. What is interactive learning?

A3. Interactive learning means when students actively participate in the learning process and try to absorb as much information as possible. 

Q4. What are the 5 types of interactive media?

A4. Five different types of interactive media available are websites, interactive television, gaming, blogs, and advertisements.

Q5. What are the characteristics of interactive design?

A5. Characteristics of an interactive course design are that it changes situations by shaping artifacts, has a lot of chances to explore, parallel possible solutions, and many more

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