How to Use Email Marketing Effectively to Sell & Promote Online Courses?

Are you looking for ways to capture the attention of potential students and increase course sales? This can be a difficult task in the competitive world of online education. However, there is a secret tool that can help you achieve success and increase course enrollments: email marketing. A good email marketing strategy for selling and promoting online courses has proven to be a game changer for online course creators due to its unequaled reach and personalized approach. 

Did you know the ROI for email marketing is a whopping 4200% which means that, for every $1 you invest in email marketing, you can expect a potential return of $42!? That’s a seriously powerful tool compared to the fleeting attention spans of social media. Email Marketing allows you to widen the reach and revenue of your online courses. Further, with the potential for automation, using email marketing to sell online courses can prove to be a gamechanger for your online course business.

In this blog, we will look at how to effectively use email marketing to sell your online course and what are the best email marketing tools and benefits of email marketing. 

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a powerful promotional tool that online course creators can utilize to engage current and prospective students via emails! Build your subscriber list, and you can send targeted emails packed with valuable content. Think bite-sized lessons related to your course, exclusive discounts, or early access to new modules. For example, an email marketing course creator might send a free “5 Email Mistakes Killing Your Sales” guide to warm up their audience.

By growing an email list of subscribers, course creators are able to regularly communicate customized messages and valuable content tailored to each recipient. Email allows for a personal touch not available with other digital marketing channels. Content shared via email marketing can educate subscribers, offer exclusive discounts, announce new course launches, and more – all with the goal of driving student engagement and enrollment. 

Proper segmentation enables even more targeted messaging. Creators can group subscribers based on their interests, purchase history, location, and other factors to increase email relevancy. When done effectively via strategic sequencing and mobile-friendly design, email marketing allows online courses to reach large audiences while developing meaningful relationships with students. It is a scalable approach for any creator looking to expand their online course business.

Find out more ways to Promote Your Online Courses through various digital channels.

Benefits of Email Marketing for Selling Online Courses

Using email marketing to sell and promote online courses has a number of benefits that can have a major impact on course sales. Let us look at some key facts about the potential of using email marketing for online course sales –

Facts & Figures

➤ Email marketing delivers a 4400% ROI.
➤ Email is 40x more effective than social media for acquiring customers.
➤ Consumers who receive emails spend 138% more than those who don’t.
➤ By 2025 there will be 4.6 billion global email users
➤ Email open rates average 20-30%, click rates 10-20% and conversions 1-5%.
➤ 87% of B2B marketers say email is one of their top free organic distribution channels.
➤ 78% of marketers have seen increased email engagement over the last 12 months indicating that audiences are highly responsive to educational, promotional and transactional emails from brands offering online courses.

The statistics reflect the potential of email marketing for course creators looking to sell their content online. Email marketing is a game changer in promoting the growth of your online course, from improved reach and cost-effectiveness to higher conversion rates and relationship building etc. Some of the key benefits of email marketing for selling online courses are –

  1. You may raise your sales by using the best email marketing tools and a smart approach. You have a good chance of reaching a big audience, regardless of their time zone or region.
  2. Maximize your return on investment and commit additional resources to improving your online course content and student experience by utilizing the cost-effectiveness of email marketing.
  3. Email marketing for online courses can result in higher conversion rates since they target those who have already demonstrated some level of engagement or interest in your course or services. 
  4. Tracking different metrics becomes easier for you through this process. It provides valuable insights to optimize your campaigns.
  5. With email marketing, you can customize your messages to specific readers, addressing them by name and sending material that is relevant to their needs and interests. 

Also read – Amazing Marketing Tools to Grow Online Coaching Business

How to Use Email Marketing to Sell Online Courses?

Email marketing is a versatile tool that can be leveraged strategically throughout the customer journey. With email marketing, businesses get direct access to their prospect’s inbox, which gives them the opportunity to establish rapport and promote their courses over time. By implementing a systematic process for engaging course prospects, email marketing can drive strong ROI from online education businesses. The following nine steps provide a framework to implement a high-performing email strategy focused on growing course sales and conversions –

Step 1 – Create a Targeted Email List

First things first, you need email subscribers! Your first strategy to successfully do email marketing to sell online courses is by building a targeted email list. You may design your email campaigns for optimal impact by segmenting your email list based on relevant characteristics such as interests, demographics, age, or previous interactions etc. 

how to use email marketing to sell online courses

Here’s how to build it:

  • Offer Valuable Freebies: People love free stuff. Create a free cheat sheet, mini-lesson, or downloadable guide related to your course topic. In exchange for their email address, you can offer them this valuable resource.
  • Run Engaging Contests: Who doesn’t love a good competition? Host a social media contest where the prize is free access to your course. This is a great way to build excitement and collect targeted emails.

Let’s say you want to sell a photography course online. A free “Top 10 Composition Hacks” guide would be a great lead magnet!

Step 2 – Craft Compelling and Personalized Emails

Create interesting and personalized messages that engage your audience through email marketing for online courses. Address recipients by name, provide relevant content, and emphasize the unique benefit that your course provides. Personalization fosters connection and enhances conversion rates.

For instance, an email to beginners in your photography course might focus on basic camera settings, while a message to advanced students could tease a new module on advanced lighting techniques.

Utilize different templates on your own app to market your online courses. Send out notifications, create your own posters, thumbnails etc. in just a few clicks. To know more, connect with us now!

Step 3 – Provide Value and Showcase Benefits

When you are using emails to sell online courses, concentrate on providing value to your email subscribers. Provide useful insights, recommendations, or mini-lessons on your course topic. Focus on highlighting the advantages and outcomes that students can expect if they enroll in your course.

Become a trusted resource by providing valuable content consistently in the following ways –

  • Offer Bite-Sized Lessons: Share short, actionable tips related to your course subject. This gives subscribers a taste of what they can expect if they enroll.
  • Exclusive Content & Early Access: Make your subscribers feel special by offering exclusive content or early access to new course modules. For example, a baking course creator could send an email with a “Secret Pie Crust Recipe (Not in the Course Yet!)” to keep subscribers engaged.

Step 4 – Implement Effective Call-to-Actions (CTAs)

Effective CTAs are a critical part of email marketing strategy. Use actionable language, create urgency, keep them clear and simple, design them to stand out, strategically put them within your email, offer incentives, add trust signals, and test and optimize them on a regular basis. With attractive CTAs, you can increase engagement and conversions. 

Tell your audience what to do next!

  • Clear & Concise Language: Use strong verbs like “Enroll Now!”, “Download Your Free Guide”, or “Learn More.”
  • Stand Out from the Crowd: Design your CTAs to be visually appealing and easy to click, even on mobile devices.

Step 5 – Utilize Automated Email Sequences

A good email marketing strategy to sell online courses includes creating a proper sequence of emails that walk potential learners through the buyer’s journey. To generate a sense of urgency, start with an introduction email and then follow up with further information, testimonials, and limited-time incentives. 

Imagine a nurturing machine that automatically warms up potential students. That’s the power of email sequences! Some tips include –

  • Start with an Introduction: Welcome new subscribers and introduce yourself and your course.
  • Follow Up with Value: Send a series of emails that provide valuable content and highlight the benefits of your course.
  • Create a Sense of Urgency: Offer limited-time discounts or early bird bonuses to encourage students to buy your course.

By automating these email sequences, you assure consistent communication with your audience, which increases the likelihood of conversions.

Step 6 – Implement A/B Testing And Analytics

Not sure what subject line will grab the most attention? A/B testing is your friend! Use A/B testing to experiment with different subject lines, content variations, or CTAs to optimize your email engagement and conversion rates. Analyze open rates, click-through rates, and conversions to gain insights into what resonates with your audience and refine your email marketing for online courses strategy accordingly. You can –

  • Test Different Options: Try out variations of your subject lines, email content, and CTA buttons.
  • Track Your Results: Use email marketing analytics to see what resonates with your audience and refine your strategy accordingly.

Step 7 – Foster Engagement And Nurture Relationships

One of the best strategies for email marketing to sell your online course is to engage your email subscribers in ways other than promotional content. Remember that Email marketing isn’t just about selling your course; it’s about building a community around your expertise. To position oneself as an authority in your subject, follow the below tips – 

  • Encourage recipients to ask questions, give feedback, and participate in community discussions. 
  • Become an Industry Authority: Don’t just promote your course. Share valuable content that positions you as a leader in your field. This could be –
    1. Curated Resources
    2. Industry Insights
    3. Behind-the-Scenes Access
  • Spark Conversations: Encourage interaction and build relationships with your audience.
  • Respond to comments and questions promptly to show you care about your audience’s opinions!

Building strong relationships and participation boosts brand loyalty and encourages students to enroll in your courses.

Step 8 – Follow Up & Retarget

Sometimes people are only a follow up away from buying your awesome course! Send targeted emails or offer exclusive discounts to motivate them to take the next step. By keeping your course top of mind and providing additional incentives, you can easily convert leads into paying students. 

  • Targeted Follow-Up Emails: Don’t abandon subscribers who haven’t opened your previous messages. Send a friendly follow-up with a different subject line or a new piece of valuable content.
  • Exclusive Offers: Re-spark interest with exclusive discounts or bonuses for those who haven’t enrolled yet. This could be a limited-time offer or a free bonus module for early birds.

Remember – Don’t overdo it with promotional emails. Balance your follow-up messages with valuable content to maintain a positive relationship.

Step 9 – Nurturing Existing Clients Through Email Marketing 

It is important to nurture your existing clients or new clients through email marketing. You can send welcome messages to your new clients regarding your course updates or any discount you are offering. 

how to use email marketing to promote online courses

Here are some ways to keep them engaged –

  • Welcome New Enrollees: Send a warm welcome email with essential course information and upcoming updates.
  • Share Success Stories: Showcase testimonials and case studies from past students to inspire new students and build trust.
  • Offer Exclusive Benefits: Reward your loyal students with exclusive discounts on future courses or early access to new content.

By nurturing existing clients, you’ll encourage repeat business and turn them into lifelong learners within your online course ecosystem.

Points to Consider While Implementing Email Marketing to Sell & Promote Online Courses

Email Marketing is an effective strategy to sell courses online, but only when done right! Keep the following points in mind while implementing email marketing to sell online courses –

  • Choose a platform for email marketing for online courses which provides features like email automation, analytics, list segmentation etc. to help you manage your emails effectively. 
  • Maintain a consistent email schedule, moreover, and stick to it. This crucial step will help you build trust with your audience. By consistently delivering valuable content at regular intervals, you establish reliability and credibility, ensuring that your audience knows what to expect from your emails.
  • Sort your email list by criteria  to send targeted messages to different groups or people.
  • Based on analytics insights, optimize and improve. For example, use different subject lines, change the format of your emails, use different CTAs etc. 
  • Provide subscribers with personalized assistance and respond to their queries. 
  • Keep track of and analyze the performance of your email marketing campaigns to understand what works best for promoting your online courses.

List of Top Email Marketing Tools to Sell Online Courses

The best email marketing tool for you will be determined by your individual needs, budget, and level of skill. Before choosing the best tool for you, always remember to compare their features, pricing plans, and customer reviews to select the one that best meets your needs.

  • Mailchimp
  • Campaign Monitor
  • AWeber
  • SendinBlue
  • ConstantContact
  • ConvertKit
  • Drip 
  • GetResponse

Let’s Sum it Up!

Email marketing is therefore, a powerful tool for selling your online course in the competitive field of online education. You can engage your audience, encourage leads, and drive conversions like never before by using successful email marketing strategy and developing appealing email campaigns. 

It’s time to utilize the power of email marketing for online courses to propel your online course revenues to new heights.

How to Use Email Marketing to Sell & Promote Online Courses? FAQs

Q1. How often should I send emails to promote my online course?

A1.  It’s important to strike a balance between staying in touch with your audience and avoiding overwhelming them. Tailor your frequency based on your audience’s preferences and the nature of your course.

Q2. What should my email call-to-action look like?

A2. An effective email CTA should be clear, compelling, and action-oriented. Additionally, it should create a sense of urgency. Using actionable language and visually appealing elements can further enhance its impact.

Q3. How to measure the success of your email marketing for online courses campaigns?

A3. Track key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and unsubscribe rates to gauge the effectiveness of your campaigns. 

Q4. What is the best email marketing for online courses ?

A4. The best email marketing strategy is to define your target audience, create quality content, automate email campaigns, stay consistent, continuously refine and analyze strategy etc. 

Q5. How to sell courses through email?

A5. You can sell online courses using email marketing. Start by building an engaged subscriber list through targeted lead magnets and valuable content. Then, segment your audience for personalized messages highlighting course benefits. Utilize clear CTAs and automated email sequences to nurture leads towards enrollment. Regularly analyze results and refine your strategy for optimal conversions.