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How To Sell Courses Through Social Media

Do you want to learn how to sell courses through social media? Creating a market for your courses on social media can help your business develop, but only if your target audience is aware of them.

Selling courses through social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram has become very popular over the last couple of years. In this article, we share some simple ideas on how to sell courses through social media that you can start implementing today. It’s a great way to reach millions of potential customers at once.

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Selling courses through social media in 2023

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, etc., have become integral parts of our daily lives. They allow us to connect with friends, family members, colleagues, and even strangers from around the world.

With the rise of smartphones and other mobile devices, social media usage has increased exponentially. As a result, businesses are now using these platforms to reach their target audience.

Not only can you sell courses on social media but use social media to teach students. Social media has evolved into an effective tool for businesses to contact their target audience. It is not only free, but it also allows them to communicate directly with customers. This makes it easy for them to connect with new clients and create relationships.

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The role of social media in purchasing your service

Before making a purchase, consumers explore social media channels. A study by Carnegie Mellon University, Heinz College, and Dell showed that 57% of consumers strategically browse existing conversations on social media as part of their purchase research. It also revealed that 81% of respondents admit that recommendations and posts from family and friends directly affect their buying decisions.

Simultaneously, 78% of people say that companies’ social media posts influence their buying decisions. According to these statistics, 81 % of respondents admitted that social media influences a complete 47% of millennials, as compared to just 19% of non-millennials, according to Deloitte’s review.

Things to keep in mind while selling courses on social media

Social media platforms have become a great way to reach out to potential customers. You can use these platforms to promote your course and build a community around it. However, if you’re just posting links to your course without any real value, you may end up driving away potential students. Here are some tips to help you get started selling courses through social media.

1. Avoid spamming
  • You don’t have to post every day, once a week is enough.
  • Make high quality posts rather than posting frequently.
  • Keep your posts short and to the point to grab people’s attention.
  • Explain clearly what people will gain from your course to encourage them to sign up.
2. Serve beneficial content for the user base
  • Include useful details in your posts rather than just sharing links.
  • Use images and videos to show what your course offers.
  • Create a sign-up page for easy course enrollment when you’re ready to launch.
  • Hashtags are an excellent method to meet people who share your interests.
  • You may simply uncover interesting talks happening across several social networks by using them. Try to stay involved in those discussions.
4. Don’t forget your email list
  • Using email marketing is a great way to reach your target audience.
  • Write short and direct emails.
  • Include important info and ask questions to encourage responses.

How to sell courses through different social media platforms

How to sell courses through social media with trends of selling courses on social media in place, it’s time to take a look at the most popular social media platforms you can use to sell your courses:

1. Facebook

Facebook allows users to connect with friends, family, and business contacts. Businesses can also advertise on Facebook to millions of potential customers.

Facebook provides two types of ads: promoted posts and sponsored stories. Promoted posts are paid advertisements that appear on the news feed. Sponsored stories are organic posts that appear in the feed based on the interests of the user.

(Also read: How to increase pageviews using Facebook ads)

Both types allow you to target specific demographics, such as age, gender, location, and relationship status.

Facebook marketing tips for beginners

Facebook is a great social media platform for marketers who are looking to sell courses, build brand awareness, increase sales, and engage current customers. However, it’s not easy to master. With that in mind, here are five pointers to get you started.

  • Develop a brand strategy

Before jumping into any Facebook marketing strategy, you need to define your goals. What do you hope to achieve? How will you measure success?  

  • Build a strong presence

Your presence on Facebook is key to building trust with your audience. Make sure you have a strong profile picture, cover photo, and description. 

  • Use video content

Videos are proven to be more engaging than images. Share videos on your timeline, in groups, and at events.

  • Target your audience

Facebook has a variety of targeting options, including demographic information, location, relationship status, and interests.

  • Measure results

Always keep tabs on your results. Are your efforts paying off? If not, try adjusting your strategy until you start seeing positive results.

2. Instagram

How to sell courses through social media through Instagram is a great platform for knowledge entrepreneurs to build a passionate following. It’s ideal to have your Instagram following before you sell any courses. Once you start selling courses, it’ll be a natural extension of what they expect from you. 

(Also read: How To Sell Courses Using Instagram)

Use hashtags

Hashtags are a useful strategy for enhancing Instagram presence. They enable you to reach a larger audience. Don’t bombard your fans with promotional information. People despise being told to “Buy, purchase, buy” on a daily basis. Find the perfect balance of marketing and other useful material for your target audience.

Create Instagram stories promoting your courses

The best way for you to promote your courses through Instagram is with high-quality posts outlining the value for potential customers. Make relevant, useful content that delights your audience.

3. YouTube

YouTube has completely transformed the way we consume video. Streaming is super fast, and it’s free! And it gives us a way of expressing ourselves instantly. 

YouTube has spawned an entire industry and kickstarted thousands of jobs. For course sellers, this means it’s a fantastic way to share long-format content with your audience. 

(Also read: How to Increase Engagement on YouTube)

Make video tutorials

You could take your courses and turn them into video tutorials. This will help to promote your course and then you can sell it through your platform. Or you could use it to teach yourself something new. 

Easy website access and extended video lengths

Make sure you include links back to your website, so your viewers can easily follow along. There is no cap on how long your videos can last, and people have uploaded entire courses in the form of a single, three-hour video.

4. Quora

How is Quora useful for educators? The popular site is frequently used to ask and obtain solutions to any question. Course sellers can use this to educate a large number of people about the course they’re selling. A well-crafted response will be one of the first to be viewed, attracting more attention. It’s also a terrific way to get feedback and fresh course ideas.

Utilize Quora for audience reach

You can use this platform to understand your target audience better and find ways to reach them. Add links to your social media profiles in your Quora bio to enhance visibility.

Choose the right question to answer

Identify the most relevant questions to answer on Quora. For this you can view the question log and followers to choose which question to answer. Also, focus on those that align with your course theme and cater to your target audience.

Craft engaging responses

Make your first paragraph attractive to engage more audience and encourage people to read your responses.

Promoting your Quora profile through other platforms

Grow your audience by interacting with other users on Quora and promoting your Quora profile through your existing social media platforms. Aim to answer questions in a manner that enhances course awareness to reach a wider audience.

5. Twitter

Twitter is a fantastic tool for course sellers. It’s a platform where you can engage with your customers and prospects directly. And if you’re using it correctly, you can get potential clients for yourself.

Here are three tips to make the most of Twitter for your business. 

Use Twitter lists to target your audience

To target your audience, you must first understand who your ideal customer is. That means creating lists of people based on their interests.

For instance, if you sell products related to health and fitness, create a list called “Healthy Living Lifestyle.” Then, follow only those people who fit into that category.

Create content that people want to share   

Make sure that every piece of content you share on Twitter is valuable to your audience. Don’t just post links to your website. Post helpful information that your audience wants to read. 

Engage with other users   

Tweet interesting things that others are saying. Reply to questions and comments. Respond to mentions. These actions will show your audience that you care about what they think and that you value their opinions. By doing these things, you’ll build trust with your followers and increase your chances of getting retweeted.


While experimenting with your course promotion, you should focus on the methods that are the best fit for your topic and your potential audience. The important thing is to track all your course promotion endeavors. Because at the end of the day, you can’t improve the things you can’t measure. And with social media networks, those incremental improvements can mean a lot!

Use these strategies to sell your online courses through social media. You will need a hosting service to host this course. At Classplus, we provide all the online infrastructure you need for your coaching course. This includes your mobile application where you can upload the course and a website for your institute. We aim to make life easier for teachers who are not so tech-savvy in promoting their coaching classes online.

How to sell courses through social media FAQs

How can I sell courses online ?

You can sell courses online through social media marketing. This marketing type helps to grow your business across multiple social media platforms by creating high-quality content.

How do I promote my educational program?

Educational programs can be promoted in multiple ways such as social media platforms, digital marketing, creating video content, creating websites and many other ways.

How can I make money selling courses online?

You can make good money by selling your courses online through multiple platforms that allow teachers to sell courses. Many such platforms are Classplus, Thinkific etc.

Can I sell courses on Youtube?

Yes, you can sell courses on YouTube in video formats. There are ways through which you can monetize your videos without any dependency on fancy brands. It is a great way to create an online presence as well.  

Manish Sonkamble

I'm a freelance content writer. I help businesses with content that connects with their audience. Writing interesting articles that keep the readers hooked is my forte. I am skilled in SEO and writing persuasive copies. Shoot me a mail at - or DM me at one of my socials to get in touch with me.

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