How to Conduct Storytelling Sessions Online

Storytelling sessions are a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. They can take days or weeks to prepare, and most require in-person convening, which can be costly and time-consuming. However, in the age of digital communication and social networking, a storytelling session can occur right in your own home on your schedule. Here are some tips on how you can conduct storytelling sessions online.

To conduct one correctly, first, you need to understand three main components: the story (what are you telling?), its purpose (why are you telling it?) and the audience (who will be listening?). A successful storytelling session must be thought through thoroughly before it is executed.

This is one of the primary reasons why so few people offer storytelling sessions online these days: it requires significant investment for little to no return. But there are ways to use online resources as part of your storytelling preparation with minimal effort.

8 Tips on How to Conduct Storytelling Sessions Online

Find a Story

Storytelling sessions are best when they have their own story. And the more you can do to give your narrative shape, the better: start with an outline, a premise and characters, and even a setting or plot device. If you want to share a story on your blog, it might be more effective for you to write it yourself after brainstorming ideas in your notebook. The key here is to build something brick-by-brick before delving into the story’s details.

Find Your Type of Writer

As with any business venture, storytelling sessions require planning and preparation. This includes deciding who will be the best person to lead the storytelling session. For example, are you better at explaining things than others?

Or do you work best when collaborating with another leader? Do you think you would be a fun person to spend time with, or are you quiet by nature and prefer to let yourself speak only when it is necessary?

Figure Out Your Topic and Tone

Storytelling is a form of entertainment, so take enough time to figure out what feels your story should have. Incorporating humor into your narrative can help improve audience reception. If it’s appropriate, talk about how you’ve used humor in storytelling sessions in the past so you can demonstrate that it works well for you.

Go to the Location of Your Choice

Before you start your storytelling session:

  1. Figure out where you want to do it.
  2. Consider bringing some props or decorations for the setting and dressing up. You can use Skype, YouTube, or whatever other option is available for your needs.
  3. Be sure you have enough time to prepare before you record so as not to be rushed later.
  4. Ask another person to record what you say out loud as a demonstration so that it is clear when you have finished speaking and when others join in the conversation.

Find a Recording App

Once you have a story, decide how you want to record it. Whether video or audio, you want to ensure that your recording app will turn out the way you want it to. To be sure that your recordings are clear and work well, consider doing a test run before your online storytelling session. This will give you an idea of what works and what doesn’t while setting reasonable expectations for yourself.

Find Your Host

When deciding where to hold your online storytelling session, consider your relationship with the host. If he is more experienced than you, try calling and introducing yourself so that he knows who is coming in for the storytelling session. A phone call can be just as useful if you don’t know the person very well. This can also help with any potential travel issues in case something happens and you will need to cancel at the last minute.

Find Your Friends

Remember, this is an online storytelling session, so all your friends don’t need to be in one room together. If you are doing this properly, they will gather in separate areas on their own computers or mobile devices to read or listen to your story. They must have different opinions and perspectives on what you’re saying so that they can add their thoughts during the conversation with questions and comments.

Get to Work

Remember that you will have some work to do before you start recording. This means researching, brainstorming ideas, writing the story down on paper, and deciding on a location for the storytelling session.

To ensure your online storytelling session goes smoothly, read over your outline or plan beforehand and take your time recording. There’s no rush: people will be able to listen to or watch the video or audio whenever they want.


The skills required to become an online storyteller are as varied as the number of online platforms offering this service. Like any other skill or talent, there is no one way to succeed in the market. The key to making money doing this is authenticity, creativity, genuine passion, professionalism, and commitment.

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