Our Vision

Making Life Skills available to everyone


We prepare you for life

Your Climb to success in Life and Career is not about just reaching the peak but also about the journey and the person you become along the way

Our Unique value proposition

Blending Life skills and Career Skills


Life Skills sets the foundation 

Successful career is not about achieving milestones but who you become in the journey and balancing with Positive Habits, Healthy Relationships, Dealing with Procrastination, Managing Emotions and life long fulfillment

Career Mentors that Understands you

When you can have mentors to guide and help navigate career path, why leave it to chance?
Inspiring PODCAST episodes on YOUTUBE & SPOTIFY

Navigating Life with Human Compass

Reading at your own pace

Books are all-weather friend and guide in journey of self development

Chetan Bulsari is an avid reader and writer. He has written meaningful blogs which can be found on his Linked-IN profile and his books can are available on on all leading platforms and E-Books are free on Kindle Unlimited.

Mukesh is a poet at heart and his blogs can be found on his Linked-IN profile. He is on his journey of publishing his first book and is a space to watch.
