Our Story

Life is a roller coaster and it throws challenges and hardships your way. It’s on you to tackle them the right way. We too have had a fair share of hurdles ourselves and that pushed us to be who we are today. We started Human Compass with the aim to share our life learnings and help people overcome their challenges. 

Between two of us we have nearly 50 years of corporate experience. Our focus is to help young adults and seasonsed professionals find their passions and purpose, while helping them resolve the challenges they face in their corporate career / entrepreneural journey.  We strive to help people overcome obstacles for a peaceful, happy and successful life. 

Our training and coaching methodologies brings together several well researched approaches and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) based techniques to help you stay focused and find ways to handle hardships better.



Human Compass is a venture by group of individuals driven by passion to help and heal, a pioneering effort to bring life coaching to teenagers, young adults and seasoned professionals to help them through the critical phase of their lives. 

At Human Compass we endeavour to bring together Industry experts and best in class content that help guides, motivates, inspires and clarifies situations and circumstances for teenagers and young adults and allows them to navigate challanges around their strengths, vision, goal setting, emotions, habit formation etc

As the teenager develops into a young adult, we at Human Compass continue to support and guide them through the initial formative years of career - be it in corporate world, entrepreneurship, art, music or sports. Each field has their own challanges for the freshers from entry barriers to being industry ready after acquiring technical skills

We support experienced and seasonsed professionals to navigate the challenges they find in achieving their full potential. We hold hands as you aim for your covered C-suite position to reach the pinnacle of your career. 


Why Human Compass?

Author & Practitioner

Published Books books on varied topics. Uses the practical journaling concept to bring to life several theoretical ideas - eg Emotional Intelligence, Habit Formation, Digital Detox to name a few

Customised Solution

We understand everyone has a different learning approach and hence we offer a combination of self paced e-learning, group learnings and one to one coaching

Certified Life Coach

Professionally trained life coach to help you find your calling, guide you to your self development and give a different perspective to situations in life

20+ Years
of Corporate Experience

Experienced mentor to guide you through to the right path as teens prepare for their career and young adults enter the corporate world or become entrepreneurs


Incorporates Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Techniques to drive results. Combines theory and practical assessments to discover self identity, values and strenght. 

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