Online Teaching

Online Teaching Checklist before your next Virtual Classes

Online teaching has become the new normal. It’s amazing to see how quickly we have adapted to this new norm. From chalk and duster to digital boards, we have come a long way since the beginning of the COVID pandemic. Virtual class meaning is being in the spotlight. Gone are the days when teachers felt awkward facing the camera or handling new technology. But,  however used may we become with the technology, nothing exudes confidence like coming prepared to the class. Here we have a checklist for your next virtual class that might help you.

Getting class ready:

Getting class ready will not only help you run your classes smoothly, but it will also help you to be more efficient on many fronts. Before handing you over a checklist, we must first understand how you can be well prepared for your virtual class every day. 

The Technology

One important point of being prepared is to keep your tutoring work organized. The most effective way of doing that would be by investing in technology. There are a host of apps and websites, both free and paid, available to make your tutoring service hassle-free.

Apps like Evernote and Flexcil will help you keep your class notes organized. Then, there are video-calling apps like Google Meet and Zoom for you to seamlessly interact with your students in a live session. You will also need broadcasting/messaging apps to keep in touch with your students and communicate with them. All-in-all, there are a host of apps available to make your virtual classroom a hit.

You could have all these apps installed on your device, subscribe to each of these apps separately, remember all the passwords or have your own tutoring service app that would do all of these for you. Don’t believe it? Check out what Classplus customers have to say about it. Use the services to experience the change.

The Plan

Another important consideration of being prepared for your virtual classroom is planning. You are the subject matter expert in your classroom. You can deliver a lecture on your topic even in your sleep. Still, your audience is smart enough to see if you have come unprepared for the class. A camera is unbiased and it captures all the details.

As we mentioned earlier, virtual class meaning is to be in the spotlight. That essentially also means a small error on your part will be on record forever. No one wants that. Hence, it is best to plan and prepare for the class in advance. 

You may already have your lesson plan chalked out, and your modules planned for. After all, it has been quite some time now that you have taken your tutoring online. Agreed, you are a veteran, taking your virtual class, day in and day out. However, remember that even veterans sometimes tend to make silly mistakes. 

This post is thus important for the newcomers who are new to technology or new in the field of online teaching. It is equally important for our veteran teachers, those who have mastered technology and are the boss of their virtual classrooms. Our sincere request is to read the post till the end. You may copy this checklist on your whiteboard or your teacher app. 

Checklist of pointers before your next Virtual Class:

  • Prepare your lesson plan well in advance. Have a mind map ready for what points you will be touching during your virtual class.
  • Set your class hours and stick to your routine rigorously. It is as important to wind up as it is to work.
  • Use tools and technology to keep your audience engaged.
  • If you plan to use a third-party student engagement app in your virtual classroom, keep a few buffer minutes in hand.
  • Accept mistakes and time delays from your student’s end. However, setting a boundary line as to what and how much, is equally important.
  • Document your class. It is important on two notes. One, you can revise your hits and misses as a teacher. Second, it may be useful for a student who might need to revisit the content.
  • Ensure your devices are charged and plugged in.
  • Have a plain wall or a bookshelf in your background.
  • A noise-free environment is essential. Ask your family or roommates to give you privacy during your class.
  • Be well-groomed and keep yourself smiling.
  • Have a water bottle, all your notes, and gadgets ready at least five minutes before the class.
  • Keep your phone in silent mode.
  • Keep an observation diary to record important points about your student’s attitude, behavior, or any other point that you think you want to communicate with the student or his parent.
  • Last, if there is any goof-up during the class, accept that gracefully and move on.

In conclusion, while you might already be following some of these, some might be new to you. Whatever the case might be, this checklist can help you be prepared for your next virtual class.  More pointers can be added as per the requirement of the class and work schedule. 


Blogger by passion and teacher by profession. I like to share my experiences as an online teacher through my blogs.

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