Tips and Tricks

Amazing Strategies for Improving Reading Skill in Students

Reading is more than just saying words out aloud. It’s about understanding, feeling the emotion behind the words, catching the tiny hints, and really diving deep into the content. For students, this key can be the difference between just studying and truly understanding. Yet, many students find it difficult to read smoothly from the start. Don’t worry! In this blog, we’ll explore simple and effective strategies for improving reading skill

What are good reading skills?

You can understand and think about what you read if you have good reading abilities. It is all about understanding what words signify. It’s also about reading smoothly without getting stuck too much.

When reading, you should be able to identify the key concepts and details. It’s sometimes necessary to delve further into what the words are saying. Also it  is important to enjoy reading and keep trying, even if a book or story is difficult. All of these factors combine to make someone an excellent reader. Let us discuss different strategies for improving reading skill.

Benefits of having good reading skills

Having good reading skills offers many benefits, such as:

  1. Understanding: You can easily get the message or story from books, articles, or any written thing.
  2. Better Grades: Good reading helps in school because you understand lessons and can answer questions better.
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  3. Confidence: When you can read well, you feel more sure of yourself in school and other places.
  4. Learning: Reading opens doors to new ideas, places, and times, helping you learn about the world.
  5. Enjoyment: A good book or story can be like a mini-vacation. You can travel to new places or meet interesting characters.
  6. Better communication: Reading improves students vocabulary and language, so you can express yourself better.
  7. Problem Solving: Stories often have problems or puzzles. Understanding them helps you think and solve real-life problems too.
  8. Jobs and Careers: Many jobs need good reading skills. It’s an important skill for success in the workplace.

How to improve reading skills in students

1. Include daily reading activities in the classroom

One of the best strategies for improving reading skill in students is to make reading a daily habit for your students. This will help them read consistently, eventually making them read better. 

Set a specific reading goal for your classroom along with every student. Make them choose their own goals according to their interests. Let them pick a passage from their favorite books or stories or whatever. Then, encourage them to read aloud and correct them whenever necessary. 

  • Start with morning reading habit

Students can begin their day by reading short poems or newspaper headlines. This will help them improve their reading skills as well as improve their vocabulary. 

  • Introduce daily reading challenges in the classroom

Teachers can organize daily or weekly reading challenges in the classroom to encourage students to improve their reading skills. 

  • Ask students to read newspapers, magazines, books etc.

Reading newspapers, magazines etc. will give students insights about different words and improve their reading skills. They can also develop interest in reading by doing this activity. 

2. Teaching vocabulary and comprehension

One of the most important tips to improve reading is to teach vocabulary and comprehension in the classroom. Vocabulary plays an important role in every language. If your students struggle with reading, teaching them vocabulary would help them read better, one of the great strategies to improve reading comprehension

Poor vocabulary leads to improper interpretation, which ultimately makes them have poor reading skills- one of the important skills for students. Teaching them new words every day and their meanings and making them write those words will greatly help improve reading skills

  • While teaching vocabulary, making them aware of each new word’s different meanings will help them improve their understanding of words better.
  • It is essential to teach them comprehension such as story, paragraph reading, etc. By doing so, they would become aware of the usage of words in a sentence.
  • Reading a passage and arriving at a conclusion will make them focus more on understanding.

A student who knows different words and understands how to use them in a sentence would automatically have improved reading skills. 

3. Encourage students to take notes

One of the best strategies for improving reading skill of students is by encouraging them to take notes. While teaching students in a classroom, always encourage them to take notes or write key points instead of listening to you. 

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Note-taking skill helps them increase their focus, making a student remain concentrated for a longer time. This helps them to understand your lecture better, and they would easily be able to frame the sentences on their own. 

  • Their understanding of the particular topic improves, which leads to better reading.
  • You can also encourage the students to share their notes and read each other’s notes together to check their understanding level.
  • Students would be more interested if you made the students work together.
  • Always encourage them to read together, which helps them to read aloud and improve their reading skills along with their peers.

While teaching a chapter, instead of reading it out yourself you can ask students to read in a particular order. This will ensure that every student has participated in the reading activity in the classroom. 

4. Use different tools and technologies

Another one in the list of strategies for improving reading skill in students include usage of different tools and technologies. To keep your students engaged, don’t always rely on a single source of reading, such as textbooks, notes etc. 

Different tools like:

  • Teachers can recommend reading apps to their students such as Raz-kids, that offer hundreds of ebooks at different levels for reading.
  • Google’s Speech-to-Text is another tool to help improve pronunciation and reading fluency.
  • Encourage students to read books on Project gutenberg, which offers free reading to more than 60,000 books.
  • ABCmouse is a gamified learning platform where students can improve their reading skills by getting engaged in fun and gamified activities.

Numerous sources can help with reading, including newspapers, magazines, videos, movies, etc. Students would get a new experience of reading as the usage of words differs widely in each source. This would help improve reading skills of students as well as their vocabulary skills.

There are so many word games available online that you can try for your students to have fun while improving their skills. Visualizing a story using a projector and making them narrate aloud and their friends will also make them fluent with word usage. Along with these, provide reading tips for students to regularly improve themselves.

5. Organize group reading activities

How to improve reading skills in students? One of the most effective tips to improve reading skills in students is by organizing group reading activities. Reading in groups is like having a reading party in your classroom! When students read together, they can assist each other with difficult words and discuss the story. It’s similar to viewing a movie with friends and discussing it afterwards. 

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This activity is fun and keeps students engaged along with improving their comprehension. Furthermore, when they talk about what they’ve read with their classmates, they discover new ideas. As a result, group reading is an excellent technique to make reading more enjoyable and to help kids become better readers.

One of the very good strategies for improving reading skill in students is by making them search. By this we mean, before wrapping up every session, always ask questions to your students, and they would be expected to answer the next day. 

This makes the students search for the answer in every source, such as textbooks, encyclopedias, the internet, etc. While searching, they would go through several lines and try to understand whether any of the passages have the answer for their search.

This automatically improves your students’ reading skills as they voluntarily search for the answer. You can also ask them to explain the answer they got. This would help them retain the words and lines they went through while searching, making them improve their language and interpretation skills.

7. Promote independent reading

A great way for improving reading skills in your students is by promoting independent reading. Encouraging your students to read independently will help them develop a personal bond and understanding with the content. 

This is a great strategy to help your students identify a way to choose the books and content that interests them the most. 

8. Organize reading activities in the classroom

How to improve reading skills in students? Introduce reading activities in your classroom. This can be done in the form of group discussions about a particular chapter, storytelling etc. You can also introduce fun challenges like reading marathons to increase participation and helping students to improve their reading skills. 

These engaging activities can help your students to stay engaged and delve deeper into the themes and characters thereby improving their reading skills. 

9. Reciprocal teaching

Another strategy amongst the tips to improve reading comprehension in students is reciprocal teaching. There are around four primary strategies that fall under this form of teaching, namely:

  • Predicting content based on images or titles provided which helps students prepare themselves mentally for the content.
  • Clarifying ensures that no part of the text that they are reading remains ambiguous ensuring understanding.
  • Questioning helps in promoting critical thinking in students.
  • Summarizing ensures that the main idea is grasped properly by the students. This step is not only helpful in improving the reading skills of students but also promotes collaboration.

10. Pair reading the classroom

Pair reading is one of the most effective ways for improving reading skills. Students are paired up in this manner, with one reading aloud while the other listens. The listener gives feedback, asks questions, and may read aloud.

This is one of the great strategies for improving reading skill along with improving fluency and vocabulary. 

11. Encourage reading journals

How to improve reading skills in students? Teachers can ask their students to maintain a reading journal. Students can note down their questions and summarize the texts they read. This practice enables them to understand the content easily and clearly. 

Students can keep reviewing these journals periodically to get insights into individual reading habits, challenges and their progress. 

12. Book notes

One of the most practiced strategies for improving reading skill is taking book notes. By taking notes, students engage in active reading along with consuming the content. These notes serve as valuable revision tools during exam times. 

Taking notes reinforces the memory and improves summarization skills.Taking notes is more than just a method of recording information, it’s a powerful tool that encourages deeper interaction with the text.


So, now that you know different strategies for improving reading skill you can successfully use this to help your students. Along with helping your students attain knowledge, as a teacher, you have to help them develop their reading skills from a very young age. Everyone can read better if trained well from childhood using the strategies mentioned above. 

People who have better reading skills are known to be successful. In academics, reading is the essential skill required for education. Hope these tips will help you. Happy teaching!

Strategies for improving reading skill in students FAQs

Q1. Are group reading activities beneficial?

A1. Reading in groups helps students discuss the story and learn from each other, making it both fun and educational.

Q2. How does teaching vocabulary help in reading?

A2. Knowing more words means students can understand and enjoy what they read more easily.

Q3. How can I make my students more interested in reading?

A3. Using fun activities, diverse books, and group discussions can make reading more exciting and enjoyable for students.

Q4. What are some good strategies for improving reading skill in students?

A4. Some strategies are daily reading habits, taking notes, reading books and newspapers etc. 


An enthusiastic developer who enjoys scribing and exploring!

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