Categories: Online Teaching

How to Use Social Media to Sell Online Courses?: A Beginner’s Guide to Sell Through Social Media

Imagine a bustling marketplace overflowing with eager learners, all hungry for knowledge. That is the potential social media holds for educators who want to sell online courses! Gone are the days of impersonal ads and cold-calling. As an educator and entrepreneur, you can now use social media to sell online courses and promote their online brand. Social media platforms have become vibrant communities where you can connect directly with potential students, showcase your expertise, and build a thriving online course business.

But how do you transform your social media presence from casual scrolling to strategic selling? The key lies in providing value before asking for a sale. 

So, forget brochures, and boost your online course sales by turning into a social media ninja! In this article, we will crack the code on creating valuable content, leveraging influencers, and showcasing student success stories that turn casual scrollers into enthusiastic customers. Get ready to ditch the sales pitch and turn social media into your online course powerhouse!

But first, let us quickly look at some stats that highlight the potential and power of using social media to sell online courses below –

Key Statistics of Social Media Promotions
➤ Social media learning communities have grown by 73% in the last year.
➤ Industry experts estimate that online learning industry will grow up to $250 billlion dollars by 2025!
➤ 64% of course purchases are influenced by social media.
➤ Instagram has over 2 billion monthly active users worldwide, making it the perfect platform to mine potential course buyers.
➤ 77% of online learners use social media to support their learning
➤ Targeted social media ads can reach 72% of internet users worldwide.
➤ Social media advertising offers a high return on investment (ROI) for online courses.

Want to become an edu-preneur? You can now create and sell your online courses seamlessly with the Classplus App. With Classplus, educators can build their customized apps and get ample support & tools to effectively promote their courses and educational resources! Get in touch now!

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7 Strategies to Use Social Media to Sell Online Courses

Social media isn’t just for cat videos and funny memes anymore. It’s a goldmine for educators looking to connect with potential students and spread knowledge. But how do you stand out in the sea of content and turn likes into paying customers? Here are 7 winning strategies to supercharge your online course sales with social media –

#1 – Find Your Tribe, Target Your Tweets

Not all social media platforms are created equal. Identifying your ideal student is the first step. Are they young and tech-savvy, spending hours on TikTok or Instagram? Or are they established professionals networking on LinkedIn? Understanding their online habits is crucial to tailor your content accordingly. For example, a course on data analysis would resonate more on LinkedIn than on Instagram.

Here’s how to target the right platform:

  • If your target audience is Gen Z or Millennials, platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube are great choices. Leverage short-form video content like tutorials, challenges, or behind-the-scenes glimpses into your course creation process.
  • For courses targeting established professionals, LinkedIn is a goldmine. Share industry insights, participate in relevant group discussions, and publish thought leadership articles that showcase your expertise and the value your course offers.

#2 – Content is King (and Queen)

People scroll through social media to be informed or entertained. Don’t just bombard them with sales pitches. Share valuable content related to your course. This could be bite-sized lessons, infographics, or insightful blog posts. 

Did you know that social media posts with visuals get 94% more engagement?

Here are some content ideas to consider –

  1. Bite-Sized Lessons – Offer micro-lessons that address a specific pain point your course solves. This could be a 3-minute video on a key concept or a downloadable infographic summarizing a crucial takeaway.
  2. Engaging Stories – People connect with stories. Share your journey as an educator, the inspiration behind your course, or success stories of past students.
  3. Interactive Content – Host live Q&A sessions, polls, or quizzes that spark conversation and keep your audience engaged.
  4. Blog Posts with Substanz (German for “substance”) – Write informative blog posts that delve deeper into topics covered in your course. Optimize these posts with relevant keywords to attract organic traffic through search engines. Remember, social media posts with visuals get 94% more engagement, so incorporate eye-catching infographics or images to enhance your content.

Learn How to Create an Online Course with this beginner’s guide now!

#3 – Free Samples and Sneak Peeks

Who doesn’t love a freebie? Offer tasters of your online course by sharing short video snippets or downloadable cheat sheets, templates or checklists related to your course materials. This gives potential students a sneak peek into your teaching style and the value your course offers. 

You can create short video clips showcasing your teaching style and the course content. Highlight key takeaways or practical applications of the skills students will learn. 

#4 – Let Influencers Do the Talking

Partnering with influencers in your niche can be a game-changer. Influencers have already built a dedicated audience who trusts their recommendations. A positive review or endorsement from a trusted source can work wonders for your course sales. However, before stepping into influencer marketing for selling online courses, keep in mind the following –

  • Find the Right Fit – Don’t just go for the biggest name. Choose influencers who resonate with your target audience and whose content aligns with your course theme.
  • Develop a Mutually Beneficial Collaboration – Work with the influencer to create engaging content that promotes your course without feeling like a forced advertisement. This could be a co-hosted live stream, a product review, or a series of social media posts highlighting the benefits of your course.

#5 – Paid Ads for Targeted Reach

Organic reach on social media can be unpredictable. Consider using paid advertising to target your ideal student demographic with laser precision. Here’s how to leverage paid ads effectively –

  • Facebook Ads Targeting – Facebook Ads offer powerful targeting options. You can target users based on demographics, interests, online behavior, and even purchase history. This allows you to ensure your ad reaches the exact audience most likely to benefit from your course.
  • Track and Analyze Results – Don’t just throw money at ads. Set clear campaign goals, track key metrics like click-through rates and conversions, and adjust your targeting or content based on the data you collect. By continually optimizing your ads, you’ll maximize your return on investment (ROI).

#6 – Testimonials are Trust Signals

Social proof is powerful, and testimonials are one of the best ways to leverage it. Showcase glowing testimonials from past students. Their success stories will resonate with potential students and build trust in your course. Actively seek feedback from students who have enjoyed your course and achieved positive outcomes.

Pro Tip!
Highlight Specific Achievements Through Testimonials –

Don’t settle for generic praise. Encourage students to detail specific results they achieved after taking your course. Did they land a new job? Increase their income? Master a new skill? Quantify the impact whenever possible.

Check out How to Create a WhatsApp Channel as an educator!

#7 – Build a Community, Not Just a Following

Social media is a two-way street. Don’t just broadcast; foster real connections. Often your potential course buyers have similar pain points – they might want to build similar skill tests, have similar interests or want to network with individuals in their field. Address this by hosting live Q&A sessions, answering questions in comments, and participating in relevant conversations. This builds a community around your course and keeps you at the forefront of your students’ minds. 

By implementing these strategies, you can use social media to turn casual scrollers into enthusiastic students, making your online course a resounding success. Remember, social media is a marathon, not a sprint. Be consistent, provide value, and build relationships – and watch your online course thrive!

Key Takeaways

➤ By harnessing the power of social media, you can transform yourself from an educator into a captivating online instructor, attracting a dedicated student base and building a thriving online course business.

➤ Think of social media as your virtual classroom, buzzing with interactive discussions, live Q&A sessions, and real-time feedback.

➤ Partner with relevant influencers in your niche to tap into their established audience and leverage their credibility.

➤ Don’t forget the power of student success stories!

➤ Showcase testimonials and positive results to build trust and social proof, turning casual scrollers into enthusiastic students eager to enroll in your online course.

Selling Online Courses Through Social Media FAQs

How to sell courses on social media?

Social media can be your selling superpower! You can use social media to sell online courses in several ways such as –

1. Share valuable content related to your course, like tips or tutorials. 
2. Offer free samples, such as short videos or downloadable resources, to pique viewers’ interest. 
3. Partner with relevant influencers to leverage their reach and credibility. 
4. Consider targeted social media ads to find your ideal students. 
5. Finally, showcase success stories to build trust and demonstrate the value your course offers.

How can I sell online courses on Instagram?

IG is a goldmine to pool in potential course buyers. You can utilize IG Stories for bite-sized lessons, Q&A, or behind-the-scenes glimpses. Craft eye-catching posts with infographics, quotes, and course previews. Target ad campaigns to reach potential students based on their interests. Partnering with micro-influencers on Instagram can connect you with a targeted audience who trusts their recommendations.

How do I advertise an online course on social media?

Use social media to highlight the key benefits and results students can expect from your online course. Target your ads strategically based on demographics and online behavior. Use a mix of image and video ads to grab attention. Always include a strong call to action directing users to your course landing page.

How do I promote my online course on YouTube?

YouTube is a super marketing platform for online course sales and promotions. Leverage YouTube for online course promotions in the following ways –

1. Create valuable videos related to your course topics. 
2. Optimize them with relevant keywords for search. 
3. Include teasers or end screens promoting your full course. 
4. Consider targeted YouTube ads to reach viewers already interested in your subject matter.

How to do online classes on WhatsApp?

While WhatsApp isn’t designed for full-fledged online courses, it can be a useful tool for supplementing your course and interacting with students. You can share course materials and resources with students in a group chat. This group chat can also be a platform for discussions and Q&A sessions. Additionally, WhatsApp allows for live video calls, which can be used for smaller, interactive sessions with your students.

Shivangi Bhatia

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