Online Teaching

How to Teach Chess Online?

Are you passionate about teaching chess? Do you want to share different strategies to help chess enthusiasts learn chess easily? Well, your opportunity has arrived! The digital age has provided you with an incredible opportunity to teach chess online, breaking down boundaries and connecting minds in the search of learning advancement.

From choosing the right online tools and platforms to designing engaging online chess lessons and fostering a supportive learning environment, we will discuss everything in this blog. 

Steps to teach chess online

Let us help you discover different steps following which you can begin with teaching chess online.

1. Structure your chess lessons

Begin by creating a well-structured lesson plan for taking online chess lessons. Each lesson’s learning objective must be clearly defined. Separate the lessons into categories such as beginner, intermediate, and advanced. 

You can include chess board setup, piece movement, and fundamental tactics for beginners. Intermediate levels may concentrate on opening strategy, middlegame strategies, and positional understanding. Advanced players can focus on expert techniques, and strategic planning. 

How to structure your chess lessons?

It is important that you keep a balance between theory and practical lessons that you will be providing to your students during online chess lessons. Here’s how you can begin with it.

a) Basics lessons

In this lesson, you can introduce students with the pieces of chess, their names and how they move on the chess board. 

To make it more detailed and easier, you can introduce one piece per class or per video.

Upload videos about explaining each piece of chess on your app.

b) Tricks and tactics

Another video focusing on tactical themes will help students in improving their ability to recognize the pattern of the game. 

c) Teach chess openings

There are many chess openings and each of these have their own strategies. Teaching your students about these openings will help them play this game more professionally. 

Such as, King’s pawn opening, Queen’s pawn opening, English opening etc. 

d) Practice Games

In between 3-4 lessons, launch practice games where students can apply everything that they have learned so far.  

This will help you in analyzing every student’s performance and what all areas they need improvement in. 

e) History of chess

You can also include lessons which talk about the history and evolution of chess, famous players associated with this game and how they contributed towards its popularity. 

Remember to keep the lessons interactive using online chess software to illustrate strategies and board positions. Encourage critical thinking and active participation.

2. Find a platform to host your online chess lessons

Find the right platform to teach chess online. A suitable platform to host your chess lessons along with supporting features is important. With several options available, it’s important to consider factors such as user-friendly interfaces, interactive features, and community support and then decide which platform to choose. 

Points to consider before selecting a platform to host your courses:

  • Strong security and privacy measures
  • Cost-effectiveness in terms of pricing and value offered
  • Marketing dashboard for easy marketing
  • Look for features that promote student interaction and engagement such as test series, quizzes, etc.
  • If you wish to award certificates or badges for successful completion, be sure the platform supports it.

To teach chess online, scheduling and hosting video chess lessons will be an essential part of any chess tutoring business. Having your own chess tutoring platform with everything you need will allow you to easily scale your business. It will also save you time and money while making it much easier to organize your job.

3. Use interactive tools for your chess lessons

The use of interactive online tools when you teach chess online can greatly improve the learning and teaching experience. These tools make it easier for you to deliver your lessons easily.  

  • The digital whiteboard is an effective tool for teaching chess online. You can draw on the board, mark positions, and even let students voice their thoughts.
  • Chess problem simulators allow students to practice different strategies in a pleasant, game-like environment.
  • Using discussion boards during your chess classes can help provide a space for students where they can ask questions, share their ideas and discuss different strategies with each other.
  • Make use of interactive visuals, diagrams, and videos. Visual content is always more appealing and lets students’ understand the concept easily and clearly.

Using different tools will help students engage better with your lessons and stay involved till the end of every lesson you teach. 

4. Increase engagement with chess communities

Increasing engagement with chess communities can provide an excellent opportunity to spread a word about your online chess courses.

How to teach chess online? Engagement in chess groups has the potential to encourage diversity, spread the game’s passion, and motivate the next generation to participate in this mind-enhancing pastime.

You can get essential feedback to help you enhance your offering and develop more targeted marketing strategies. Partnerships with significant community personalities can help to broaden the reach of your course, and community platforms frequently allow for direct promotion.

5. Organize online chess tournaments

Organizing online chess tournaments is a great way to approach students who want to learn chess and build a sense of community among chess players. 

Such events allow students to put their talents to the test, learn from competitive play, and interact with the larger chess community. It is a great way to market your chess courses as it will increase your visibility, generate more leads and spread word of mouth about you and your course. 

Ideas for chess instructors to organize online chess tournaments

  • Start by conducting beginner friendly tournaments for short durations.
  • You can also conduct weekly competitions leading to monthly grand tournaments for the top performers.
  • Invite guest chess masters to make the tournament more impactful.
  • Give an exciting theme to the tournament to attract more players.
  • Instructors can also consider organizing tournaments where students challenge their mentors in a friendly and supportive environment.

You can attract a dedicated set of audience and promote your expertise, and eventually drive enrollment to your online chess courses by utilizing the excitement and engagement of online chess competitions.

6. Ask for feedback from your existing students

Taking your students’ feedback who are taking your online chess classes is important. You may ask why? So, feedback allows you to evaluate what is working well and what needs to be improved to teach chess online. You can improve your teaching, help your students learn more effectively, and make your online classes more engaging.

What to ask to get feedback from your students?

  • Ask them to rate the content of your chess lessons
  • How effective do they find your teaching methodologies?
  • Are your students comfortable with the speed with which you teach chess online?
  • How engaging are your lessons?
  • What improvements or changes will they make to your teaching methods or lessons?

How to collect feedback from your students?

  • Create online surveys by using different tools like Google forms or SurveyMonkey.
  • You can also provide feedback forms at the end of every lesson you take.
  • Conduct live polls
  • One-on-one meetings can also be conducted via calls or video calls etc.

Benefits of teaching chess online

Online chess lessons bring you a world of possibilities, whether you’re an experienced chess player willing to share your knowledge or a beginner eager to get started. 

  • Connect with chess enthusiasts worldwide without geographical limitations.
  • Furthermore, engage your students with virtual chess boards, puzzles, and game analysis.
  • Save your time and energy by scheduling classes at the time of your choice.
  • Interact with other chess fans, collaborate, and compete in tournaments.
  • Also, use internet resources, tutorials, and strategy guides to supplement your learning.


When you teach chess online it opens doors to a world of possibilities. Making use of interactive platforms, engaging puzzles, and online communities, you can inspire a new generation of chess enthusiasts. 

Consider getting an app to teach chess online. Let your students access chess lessons and material anytime they want to, track their performance, incorporate multimedia to make the lessons more interactive etc. To get your app, connect with us now!

How to teach chess online FAQs

Q1. What are the key considerations to teach chess online?

A1. Define clear objectives, utilize digital chess platforms, conduct interactive lessons, moreover, you can incorporate puzzles and tutorials, and encourage student engagement with chess communities.

Q2. How can I make my online chess lessons interactive?

A2. Share your screen to demonstrate moves, discuss strategies, and provide real-time feedback. Encourage student participation through Q&A sessions, group discussions, and interactive activities.

Q3. How can I foster student engagement with chess communities?

A3. Guide your students to join online chess communities and forums where they can interact with fellow chess enthusiasts, additionally, discuss strategies, and participate in virtual tournaments. 

Q4. What are the benefits of teaching chess online?

A4. Teaching chess online offers flexibility, accessibility to a global audience, a variety of interactive tools and resources, and the ability to connect with chess communities worldwide.

Sanchita Pathak

I watch, observe and find the best of all. Writing all that you might wanna read.

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