Tips and Tricks

Are You an Upset teacher? How to Understand What is Wrong?

It is so challenging to teach students new concepts. Some students always seem to pick up on the new concepts easily and others struggle. Teachers sometimes frustrate these students because they’ll spend hours working with them and yet come no closer to understanding the concept themselves. This can be frustrating for all parties involved. Hence, it’s important for teachers who have difficulty teaching these difficult concepts to try a few different things before giving up entirely on the class or giving up on teaching altogether. This blog talks about how upset teacher can understand what is wrong and fix the issue.

As educators, we know how easy it is to become caught up in the sense of urgency of teaching a new concept. We want to get started learning about the concept and get all of those students up to speed on it so we can teach them something new and exciting, right? 

There are three types of research that you can perform before you even begin learning about a new concept. These three things will help you understand the concept better when teaching it.

7 Ways on How to Understand What is Wrong with Upset Teacher

1. Understand the Underlying Concept

So, you’ve got a new concept that you’re teaching. So, the first step is to figure out the underlying concept. 

Often in education, we like to turn a concept into many steps and unnecessary details that only serve to confuse students even more. Instead, take time to try and simplify the process and break it down into a few steps; this will help your brain understand how things work much better. 

Suggested – How teachers can deal with stress 

If you can’t simplify your understanding of the concept, then simplify the process. Break it down into steps or pieces of information rather than trying to teach all at once. This will help your students remember what they learned too! 

2. Repeat the Concept Before Teaching it

You’ve just taught your students the process of your concept. However, the next problem you might run into is that they don’t seem to get it. They are acting confused or don’t understand it at all. 

Take a moment after you teach a concept to repeat that concept over and over again. Make sure you master it first with just your mind before moving on to make sure other people understand!

3. Use Analogy & Analogies for Understanding New Concepts Easier

We often find ourselves using analogies and analogies alone when teaching concepts in education. We do this because it works! Often people can grasp a concept much easier with a simple analogy to something they already know about. 

Analogies help students to see the similarities between two things; once you can show them these similarities, you’ll have a much easier time teaching the concept. 

There is so much information to help understand new concepts, but the best way to learn is by doing. Practice teaching your students what you’ve learned and reinforce it with analogies, examples, and repetition!

4. Reflection of the Theory

If you are teaching students a theory, make sure that you apply that theory to something that you do in your life. If you’re teaching them about something, walk them through it personally so they can understand the concept.

5. Explain it Visually to Child Students

If you are still struggling with concepts after trying these first four options, then it might be time for children students to help! 

Art is something that we all enjoy! It helps us express ourselves and gives us a creative outlet. 

Take a moment to draw and illustrate the concept you’re trying to understand. Then, if you’re still struggling, try using a picture of a real-life example to help your students understand your concept. 

If people can see it, they’ll be able to visualize it better and understand it faster! This is an easy concept that we recommend teachers do! 

6. Answer Student Questions in Class or at Home ahead of time

If students don’t understand something you are teaching, ask them questions ahead of time so that you can prepare answers for them. 

Sometimes you can simply answer their questions before they are even asked. This will make it easier for you to teach and help them understand it better. 

This is especially helpful if you’re stuck on a certain concept or question and aren’t sure how to answer it without confusing the students further. 

7. Ask Them Questions or Have them Work in a Group

You can ask your students questions during class to help them learn. However, if you can never answer their questions, then make sure that you ask them group-related questions or have them work in groups to figure out the answers. 

Sometimes this is a good way for students to teach each other how to understand new concepts. Plus, they will feel more involved and paid attention to when answering questions in front of the entire class rather than just you. 

Giving students personal attention is always important; it helps build positive relationships and makes students feel more comfortable with you as their teacher! 


Learning new concepts can be tricky, especially if you are teaching children. However, there are many ways to help your students and yourself understand something you have never encountered before. We hope these 6 ways helped you understand what is wrong and how it’s easy to waste an entire class on something that isn’t the greatest. 

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Parina Parmar

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